Dear Loved Ones,
Since I am the kind of person that needs my accomplishments to be ooed and awed at, I'm posting the picture of our Chritmas tree that has been visited by few people. I didn't send any message with our Christmas cards so here is a little update on how we have done this year.
Top 10 things we have learned this year...
10. Our new ward is so wonderful and kind to us
9. Enjoy your family especially when they live close becasue they may not always.
8. Don't make excuses for yourself
7. Always battle your demons
6. Control your money or it will control you
5. Don't be afraid to share your talents or fullfill your callings to the fullest of your ability
4. Short hair rocks!
3. Choose to be happy
2. Always reconect with your spouse and keep eachother laughing
1. Jesus is the Christ and our Father in Heaven has a plan for us and knows us individually so always better your relationship with your Father. Live in a way He would be proud.
We have been very blessed this year. We have added a new family member Collin James. We love living near our family and have really enjoyed being with them. We will miss them as our paths change. We love our new home and our new ward. I received a new calling in our ward, Primary Chorister. I am very excited and hope to do a good job. Collin is sittling up and rolling over but not scooting yet. He loves to bounce in his swing. Adon loves, trains, star wars, painting on the computer, drawing, books, coloring, playing outside, singing, movies, and doing ABC. He is so smart and I love teaching and playing with him. Aaron is doing well in his school. He is so close to the third license. He is doing very well with his classes and I am so proud of him.
We love all of you and hope the very best for all of you. Please keep in touch any way you know how and have a Merry Chirstmas.
I lubba lubba lubba you:]
So...Do you guys know when you'll be leaving or where you'll be going? This is a very cute Christmas letter! Love You!
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