Grandpa Egbert's birthday was on Tuesday so we made him his favorite birthday cake; raspberry nut! Yummy. Aaron got three packagaes of candles to put the right number on his cake. He mostly did this so that the boys could experience the infurno that it produced. Don't worry we notified the fire department before lighting the candles.

My dad had help from his grandsons in blowing out the candles. I figure that if you are getting that old, you NEED help from grandkids to blow out the candles. Collin was getting a little ahead of himself and tried to blow out candles before Dad and I had them all lit. It took so long that some of the candles were melted to stubbs before they were all lit. There were THAT many! LOL.

Adon wanted to help pick the candles out of the cake. So he helped Grandpa. Every one liked the cake and had fun with the candles.