Sunday, November 29, 2009

Playing with Wiggle Scooters

We had Thanks Giving dinner at the church in Clifton and the kids loved these wiggle cars. Even the adults got into it.
Collin and Ethan loving the cars. Collin spilled his water on his pants and went pantless for most of the afternoon. Brrr...

The picture if fuzzy because Adon goes speedy fast on this wiggle car. Zoom... there he goes!

Daddy even tried it out. They don't go so fast on the carpet, but what a work out. LOL

Tate and Adon took turns pushing Uncle Ryan around and around. Here is Adon also gettin g a ride with Uncle Ryan. What pals!
Grandpa Egbert recently got this fire red Jazzy. The kids caught on real quick that riding with Grandpa was a ton of fun and he was more than willing to give rides.

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