These pictures are kind of out of order but here it goes. Collin's first birthday was Sunday, April 26. We all gathered at Grandma and Grandpa Egbert's house for Hawaiian Haystacks (Kelsey's Birthday dinner request) Great Grandma Egbert came and Auntie Moriann and Uncle Justin as well as our regulars, Mommy, Daddy, Collin, Adon, Uncle Ryan, Auntie Heather, Auntie Kelsey and Jo-Jo, Grandma Egbert, and Grandpa Egbert. Here is Collin eating his first birthday cake. He was unsure about the candle, but dived right into the cake. Mmmmm... Yummy! 

Collin's first taste of birthday cake. Mom had to kind of force him to try it. "Hey, this isn't so bad!" Then he got right into it. He even picked up the whole cake and looked as if he would throw it, but decided to eat it and spread it all around instead.
The Birthday boy. He loves balloons and he got a handful of them for his birthday. What else do you need to make a party?

The Birthday boy. He loves balloons and he got a handful of them for his birthday. What else do you need to make a party?

Collin's first cake made by Mom. Three layers of green goo with six frogs. Adon helped to crush up the oreos that were on the side. Very yummy. Collin was showered with wonderful gifts. Shoes, clothes, books, cards, and toys. Everything a little boy could want. Thank you to every one for the beautiful gifts. He really loves all of them.