Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ultimate Looser Update... Our first challeng

Hello Everyone,
This week our team did great! Every one lost weight, even those who didn't last week. This week Mom lost two pounds and a total of 8 inches all over. I lost 3 pounds and 5.5 inches all over. Last week our team was in third place but I haven't received the email yet to see where we are at now. Today we had our first challenge. We started at the Sports Academy and ran all around town looking for our trainers. Before we left the SARC we were given an envelop with a clue as to where our trainer was. We found him at the local Subway. He had a some food (a subway sandwich) there where we had to guess the calories that were in it. According to how close we got, depended how long we had to wait to get our next clue. We couldn't guess until our whole team was presant and then we only had one guess. We were only off the sandwich by 25 calories. We then ran to a local park near a tech high school. We had a little trouble finding this trainer because the campus was big. Any way she had a regular BK Whopper with everything on it, a medium french fry, and a 32 ounce sprite. This one, our team was 300 calories off (ouch) the total caloric contnt of the meal was over 1600 calories (double ouch). We then had to run to a local market called Lee's. There we had to guess a healthy snack, a chees stick, a medium sized banana, and 12 almonds. We were off again but only by about 10-20 calories. Our third stop was at a local creamery where we had to guess what was in a container. There was an unknown amount of frozen yogurt and rasperries. We guess right on! 190 calories. We then booked it back tot he SARC to try to beat the other teams. Well, we wern't first, nor were we second, but we didnt' come in last. Our whole team came in third place. I was the second person of our team to make it to the enterance. We ran a total of a 5 k. Even Diane, our team member who hurt her back last week made it through! It was awesome.


Marcy said...

YAY for you guys! Keep it up! I've lost zero pounds and zero inches haha

Us Egberts said...

It felt so good I wish I could keep that feeling through the day...tonight I need some motivation to stay on track...sugar is calling me:O

Conner said...

Sounds like you had fun. Good job. I am trying to get motivated to get back into shape, Marcy is training for another half marathon but its hard to train with the kids. You should get dad working on this biggest looser stuff. He needs to get going also.

Kadie Egbert said...

iºm so proud of you! keep you blog updated, you will be lookin hot for mexico! i love you!
p.s. email me booger