Friday, April 17, 2009

The "no" to "why and what" transfer

For all you mothers out there who have experienced this in its full glory just sit back and smile and say to yourself "ah hu, I've been there." Adon is in the wonderfully independant stage that two year old go through where "no" is the answer to everything and tantrums attack at any given time. Adon's tantrums cannot be labled as such because they are small and very manageable. Call me lucky. But the word "no" is no answer at all in our house any more. It has transformed (or morphed) into the words "why" and "what". Now Adon is a big fan of the character Super Why from PBS kids. So sometime when he starts on his "why" antics he will end with and exclimation of "Super Why" and I laugh. But it is the "what" that sometimes gets me going. He repeats "what" so often that he sounds like a deaf old guy or a broken record player. Personally I really really don't like repeating myself, especially to a two year old who compies my every gesture and word. I know your listening.... :P But this is good that he is out of the "no" stage because that means we are one step closer to potty training!

1 comment:

Conner said...

HE is just a smart kid