Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4th!

Some people really know how to party! Collin "ooed and awed" at the fire works. He was sooo tired by the time they started; yet he was all eye balls when they finally got going!
Ryan and Aaron cooked our hamburgers for my birthday dinner. I won't go into detail of Ryan's skills but lets just say two patties are missing in action. Thanks to all our friends and family and yes even the mutual friends that joined us for my birthday and to watch the fireworks. The more the merrier I always say.

Not everyone thinks sparklers are the bomb-diggidy; but Adon is just like his mom when it comes to lighting things on fire and watch them burn, pop, or explode. Ahh the joy of living in America!

Whats a party with out cake. Yep there are 25 candles on that baby, count 'em up! Adon decorated my birthday cake with the help of Dad! Way to go buddy!

I love being an American! I get choked up when the Star Spangled Banner comes over the raidio every day at noon. I love the fact that I can worship the way I please. That I can stay home and be a mom to my beautiful boys and love my husband who works so hard to provide for us. I love to see our Nation's flag flying with glory. We live in such a beautiful country with mountains, streams, fields, and blue sky. What a gift and an honor bestowed on us by a Loving Heavenly Father. Let Freedom Ring!


Us Egberts said...

Nice....especially the finger up the nose pic....not. Great pics

Kadie Egbert said...

i LOVE the finger up the nose pick! collin can stick his finger up my nose anytime! not aaron though.... i love you