Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pictures from Grandma's Funeral

No one from the CIA were presant at the funeral this is really Ryan and Conner. Cute guys.
After the grave was dedicated bubbles were passed around. Here is Adon and Alexis trying their hand at it.

It was pretty sunny and hot at the grave site but Collin managed to catch a few winks.

Lexi admiring the pretty pink flowers on Grandma Donna's casket.

Adon helped Mommy put a pretty pink rose on Grandma Donna's grave.


Us Egberts said...

Awww I'm glad that you got these pictures posted....hopefully kadie will be able to check them out...are these the only ones that were any good. Thank you for having your camera!

Kenzee Jo said...

Sorry I missed it!! I should've asked you when it was... I totally spaced it. My parents were there, but I would've loved to have been there for your grandma and to see you... and I see you have your violin!! :]