Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Successfully Keeping the Romance Alive

I have a little story to tell on my sweet husband. Last Saturday, I went to a bridal shower and Aaron stayed home with the boys (brownie point #1). By the time I had gotten home they were bathed (#2) and in their pajamas (#3) just ready for kisses and prayers(#4). Not only that, he had the laundry done (#5), the floors swept and mopped (#6, #7); as well as the dishes going in the dishwasher and the sink clean (#8, #9). I love it when he does that. After we put the kids to bed he asked me to go for a ten minute walk (#10) because our night wasn't quite ready yet. What more could I ask for? So I left. When I came back there were red roses on each of my steps to our front door (#11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20). The table was set for a candle lit dinner (#21); corn on the cob and sparkling berry cider. This may not sound like the most romantic dinner but it was just what I wanted. We split a Twix bar for desert (#22). Talk about romantic. It was a great night to enjoy one another and rekindle the flame. I'm so thankful that he takes the opportunity and puts forth the effort. This week he is working twelve hour shifts to help with some emergency financial issues (#23,24,25,26,27). What a hero. My Hero~!


Conner said...

AH, How sweet, Good job Aaron. I need to take a page out of your book. Hope things are going well for you guys.

Kenzee Jo said...

Wow!!! What a wonderful guy you got there!!! So nice to have surprises and things neat and tidy when you get home! :] Love it!... but then again, you deserve it!!

-Rachel said...

That is really sweet, it makes me a little bit teary actually. What a doll!