Adon getting ready for the Amalga Town Easter Egg Hunt. These pictures aren't great but it only lasted a few minutes and most of it I got on video. My video wont upload so you will have to watch it later. I didn't really do baskets for the boys this year (see what we did do instead in future post).

Adon and Collin waiting to go into the YW room to gather eggs.

Adon and Dad breaking open the eggs to get the treats inside. This was a cool new concept for Collin and he wanted candy as fast as I could open those eggs.
I was sure home sick for everyone to be together this weekend...Just isn't the same far apart...glad that almaga still had an egg hunt....Collin...where is my collin???
Collin is in the second picture with the red shirt on. He turned his head at the last minute. But he was there and had a blast.
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