Here is Adon and Aaron standing by a very small part of our garden. Aaron is the real gardener in the family and he is very helpful (especially when I just want to jump right in and may not think everything through) Adon and Collin love the garden. Adon loves to look for worms and pick weeds (as long as they aren't too big) Collin loves to throw dirt clots at everything and every one. I'm still trying to teach them where the baby plants are so they won't step on them. Its easy with the onions because they are starts and have a small green shoot all ready up out of the ground. We have planted onions and potatoes. Soon we will plant, tomatoes, cucumbers, dill weed, a variety of peppers, and spinach. We will also plant a strip of flowers to help create a path between the yard and the garden.
Love this pic....made me smile!
That sounds like fun, A little garden, We are hopfully going to get one going this fall for us.
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