Sunday, June 27, 2010

My little garden...

Here is a picture of my garden. Its in the same place it was last year but I'm totally in charge of it now. Our neighbor that usually helps me, moved. From left to right we have onions, multiple kinds of peppers, tomatoes, more onions and baby spinach, then dill and cucumbers, two mystery squash plants that came up from tilling last year's seeds into the ground, peas and a few carrots, then potatoes. In the box are more lettuce, spinach, potatoes and a monster strawberry plant (bush). I'm so proud. We have all ready be able to enjoy spinach and lettuce.
Here is the first strawberry from our strawberry plant. We split it three ways with Mom, Dad, and Nana. It was pure heaven.

Here is our monster strawberry plant. Its not ever bearing. This started out as one plant but they get those runners that branch out and help the plant find water and spread. Aaron likes the strawberries so much he wants to get more.

Our first real crop. Better than rubies.

These peonies were given as a gift and this year they finally bloomed. They are huge and gorgeous. I don't have a green thumb but I could get used to this growing stuff.


Us Egberts said...

sweet pictures....keep blogging...keeps me smiling....Im stealing your pics of the weennie roast....we need to go again.....:)

Us Egberts said...
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