Monday, August 22, 2011

Camping on the Mountain

We finally made it to Vernal to see our Alaska cousins and they were with G&G Wilson on the mountain camping. Once we got there, Collin was Grandpa's little shadow, especially since Grandpa had a fishing pole! (Collin's new favorite thing)

Plum tuckered out.

Adam and Grandpa brought their four-wheelers and the kids (old and young) had a blast! Here is Drake posing for me.

Grandpa and Aaron in the shade. Adam and Grandma was there too. Even Auntie Amber who isn't very fond of camping came up for dinner.

Left to right: Drake, Adon, Faith, TJ, Kami, Gracie, and Collin. Skyler and Josh were there as well. What a bunch!

Adon with his pretty cousin Faith. They are 10 weeks apart by age. Faith gets to start school this year and Adon is kinda bummed because he has to wait.

Auntie Rachel who is about to "pop" according to Adon. She is having another girl. Due at the end of August. Getting some exploring in! P.S. For those of you who don't all ready know, Aaron and I have stepped over to the dark side and we now are the proud owners of a mini van. See it in the back of the picture by the tree. Aaron calls it the Mormon Assault Vehicle. Its a 2008 Toyota. We have really enjoyed it.

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