This face that Collin is pulling reminds me so much of his cousin Faith. Collin and
Adon are checking out their stash and shoving it into their mouths as fast as they can.

Yes, I dressed them the same on purpose. They are a cute pair of kids. Collin does this hand thing for Papa where he "tosses it up" for patty cake.
Adon is just focused on counting his loot and shoving it into his mouth before someone else gets it. Who cares that Mom wants them to smile for a picture.
Adon hunted for Easter Eggs, hidden by Nana. Every one helped. Thanks so much for all the goodies. I've got this egg
huntin' thing down.

Ryan was talking about something and I caught this way macho picture of him holding such a cute kid. Hey its balanced right?

Collin and Papa hanging out at our hot dog roast while the "big" kids played on the jungle gym and went down the slides. Collin loves his Papa so much.

Dad being one of the "big" kids. Having fun is what we do best. Love you sweetheart!
Wow, looks like fun, wish we could have been there. Those two kids are getting to big.
:] I think all moms dress boys the same :] I would :] Fun! Hope you're doing well! HAPPY EASTER!!
What a fun and cute Easter! I wish we could have been with family! Love You Guys!
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