Monday, December 6, 2010

Decorating Our Chirstmas Tree

According to Adon, decorating a tree is "a lot of work". Once we got it centered and some water in the stand, then we put lights on the tree.
Then we all helped put decorations on it. Adon and Collin like this the best.

Aaron putting on decorations a little higher than Adon and Collin.

All done with a few other decorations around the house. Merry Christmas.

Yep, decorating a Christmas tree is "a lot of work" Time to cuddle and relax.


Us Egberts said...

and it smells soooooo good! fun times:)

Conner said...

Looks like a lot of fun. I don't miss the snow, but I sure do miss being able to see you guys. I cannot believe oh big Collin looks to me in these pics. He seems to have hit a growth spurt.

We love and miss you guys.