This is my dream bed and our first real
piece of furniture that we have bought. Long story. Mom and I were out on a date as a thank you for watching my boys. While we were out to dinner and a movie, Aaron stopped at a furniture store that was having a sale (as an impulse because he was really headed to the mall). Now Aaron doesn't do many impulse things when it comes to money but he saw the bed, and bought the bed. Ryan and Dad helped him get the bed to the house and set it up. When I got home he surprised me with this dream bed of mine. I cried. Okay I bawled. Its not so much that he bought my dream bed for me but that he would do something like that for me.... just to see me cry.
so pretty! What a nice husband :)
It is sooo beautiful...perfect really.......some day I am going to haul away my ancient water bed and get me one of these....if only I knew someone with a truck!
Aaron, quite making my sister cry, Just kidding, Good for you
Ooooo... I lik-ee :) What a sweet hubby...
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