Friday, September 10, 2010

Blessings of our Garden

Our first batch of peppers and a few cucumbers. This is an old picture but just to show you how big my peppers grew. They are bigger than the ones you get at the store and heavier. And about every week there were four or five more. My pepper plants just can't take the weight so I I pick them. My favorite part. I've done about a dozen jars of pickles but now i am done with pickles. On to jalapenos, salsa, pears, and peaches.

There is a story behind these huge carrots. My neighbor planted a sparse row of carrots. Lots didn't even come up. I know you can leave carrots in the ground and they will keep through the winter. Yet, I was getting sick of watering this row of carrots that I thought had less than a dozen carrots. So I had Adon pick the carrots and they just kept coming and coming. The big ones are as big as ears of corn. NOT KIDDING. So we had carrots coming out of our ears. Luckily I was able to give most of them back to the neighbor who planted them in the first place.

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