Wednesday, March 2, 2011

When the Cats Away, the Mice Will Play!

I did have a picture of this mess but somehow it has disappeared. The Wilson family has been a little under the weather, even Mom. Yet, moms don't get sick days. Collin was down for a nap which doesn't happen very often these days and Adon was watching a movie; so I went to go lay down. After his naps, Collin usually comes to find me and cuddle. That is usually my wake up call. But today he just went and sat with Adon to finish the movie. Seeing them sitting so peacefully (another thing that doesn't happen often); I figured that I could rest for a few more minutes. Boy was I wrong. I'm not sure how long I was asleep but the movie was over and Collin had gotten himself and apple out of the fridge and had eaten most of it. (I mention this part because it takes Collin FOREVER to eat an whole/unsliced apple) Adon had gotten onto the computer and was playing games which made my subconscious think that they were still watching their movie. When I came out of our bedroom, I got hit by a brick. Or at least a few eggs. Collin had gotten out the last of our eggs (9 to be exact) and had broken them on our kitchen floor. They (I include Adon here because there were wrappers and crumbs by the computer) had climbed the counters and got down the last of the cupcakes left over from story time (4) and those were spread from the kitchen to the living room. Luckily there weren't any eggs on the carpet. When I walked into the kitchen, Adon looked over his shoulder and said in a "by the way Mom" way, "Oh, Mom, Collin made a mess." Thanks Adon for that news flash. Hey my kitchen, living room, couch, and computer station needed super cleaned any way.


Marcy said... time?...triple time;)

-Rachel said...

...YIKES!.... You'll laugh about it, in a few years.