Sunday, March 20, 2011

Time Out Pictures

Time out is no laughing matter but sometimes mom can't help but snap a picture or two while stifling giggles. Sometimes the boys are both on time out. They were both upset because the whole world was against them and I couldn't help myself.

With Adon, time out is measured with a timer that says when he can come off the chair. With Collin, he decides when his attitude is ready to join the family activities. Sometimes he will sit and pout for a while. Today, he threw a fit and was put on time out. A minute later he was found this way. As sad as this little picture looks....he's asleep.

Even though this is not a time out picture, I thought it was appropriate to add. The odd part about this picture is that this is breakfast. And yes, he has fallen asleep in the "pout" position. Apparently he wasn't ready to get up that morning.


Us Egberts said...

awww...tear.....Im so ready for hugs from my little Adon and Collin:).....I miss you! Loves!

-Rachel said...

How Stinking Cute! Those pictures should be framed, they're adorable!