Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can You Feel the Thrill?

Here is a picture of Aaron and I getting ready for our hot date. He doesn't know where we are going but he is going to like it. (Insert evil laugh here)
YES!! WE WENT TO THRILLER!!! Wahooooo! I know you are jealous!

The zombies were better last year, maybe because there were more of them? But they are still pretty gross. Moriann and my mom joined us and we had a ball. Or at least I did. P.S. I know I look like I have a mask on but I just got back from AZ and aparently I caught some sun and forgot to adjust my foundation. Don't hate me because I got to spend a week in the sun :P

1 comment:

-Rachel said...

Carly I think you look adorable! And it looks like you guys had a killer time. ha ha ha