Friday, October 30, 2009

Fun with Helicopters

For fun, since its been rainy and the boys have been really couped up, we went to the hanger that holds all the helicopters that Aaron flies. This one is is a kit helicopter that the owner of the school built from a kit. Aaron wants one just like it to up his hours. Its not bad when you are staning right by it, but its a daunting task to build a safe helicopter.
Here is Adon flying the little red R22. I can't remember what Aaron calls it either Lima Gulf or Kilo Papa. Something to do with the letters on the tail.

Both our boys love helicopters, airplanes, trains, boats, trucks, you name it they love it. It is so cool to be outside and they both stop in their tracks because they can hear a train whistle in the distance or see/hear a helicopter/plane in the air above them. How wonderful it is to watch them get so excited about the little things that I don't really think about.

1 comment:

Us Egberts said...

How cool....I loved my encounter with the helicoptor a couple of years was amazing....I will always remember that Aaron....Maybe when Alexis and Ethan come you can take them to the hanger too....wouldn't that be fun?