Friday, October 30, 2009

This Ain't No Jacket Weather

Today is a crisp 32 degrees with 87% humidity at around 4pm when we went outside. Not as cold as it has been but its still cold. Yesterday was too cold to play and my boys were climbing the walls to get out. So here we are in all our layers and glory in the cold playing until we are as dirty as ever and a frozen as the mud puddles we jump in.
I don't know why its so hard to catch collin smiling but he has been such a happy kid lately that these pictures really don't show it. I guess his cute smile is covered up by his neck warmer I made and muddled by his babbling moving mouth. Oh so cute. This picture is before he sat, stomped, and fell in the mud puddles.

Here is Adon sporting his new cold winter gear, most of it from Grandpa E. I asked him if he wanted his picture taken and he said, yes. I said, "okay, strike a pose" not thinking he knew what that ment and this is what he did. So funny. P.S. to all those who plan on visiting us in the upcoming months, bring warm clothes~! This is your official warning. Have a nice day :P


Us Egberts said...

Ya have to climatize some cute;o)

Marcy said...

Thanks for the warning!!! Miss you guys!